Introducing Myself...

Even though I am a professional photographer and have even run my on portrait studio in the past, I do not like to have my picture taken. Im not talking about a normal dislike but still go with the flow of having my picture taken. I mean...a STRONG dislike for having my picture much so, that I avoid it at all costs. 

But, in today's world, It's almost an absolute necessity to show your face if you want to be in business for yourself. I've tried to tell myself that it doesn't matter. But I knew I was only kidding myself. So, today, I decided I would finally introduce myself to the world because it's no longer possible for me to hid behind pictures of my dogs, lol

As far as how we are doing here on the farm...well, pretty much the same. All is great with the world. All 4 of my girls are in season at the same time. So, "love" has been in the air between them (so to speak) which leaves me wanting to poke my eyeballs out from all their carrying on. But I guess I shouldn't complain because I've heard that some people have female dogs that fight with each other during that time and have to be separated. Definitely not the case here!! 

But anyway, that's about over with Thank God!! And I'm still just as busy as ever. The heat is keeping us in most of the time except for our three short walks a day. And if it wasn't for the absolute need for exercise for everyone, I wouldn't get out for that! And I thought it was hot at the beach! At least the nights are a lot cooler on the farm than at the beach. 

So, here I am, introducing myself to all of you who read the blog. I'm Susan. And this is what I look like. 

Till the next post, Take Care!

